Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Athlete's mouth.

OK, if you read Manic's post yesterday, (Shame on you if you don't read Manic mom every day) you saw a fine example of yours truly talking before thinking. It's a gift I have and I use it often.

So anyway, last weekend a bunch of us were crammed in a mini van going out for our dinner break at the conference. The new Eagles CD came up as a topic of conversation. I proceed to go on an extended diatribe against the evil empire that is Wal Mart and how I respect the Eagles a little less because they signed an exclusive deal with them.

I got some laughs so I kept it up for most of the evening. A good time was had by all.

Then during the ride home I find out that my friend, who was in the car, had just signed a major recording deal with a record company that deals with Wally World in a major way.

Fortunately, she thought it was funny. We also had a great talk about why Wal Mart sucks so she will know why people are making that face at her when they find out.

It took me at least a half an hour to get my foot out of my mouth that night.

Thought for the day -

I wish that my mouth wasn't faster than my brain.


Blogger kay said...

i was really upset when that woman wrote that in response to your comment. i think comments should be your comments. she was wayyy out of line to beat up on you like that! i was really upset for you.
don't let those folks get you down. i like your honest comments!!

keep them coming.

1:13 PM  
Blogger Drewpy Drew said...

Kay - Thank you for your support. (Now I sound like an old wine cooler commercial) But don't be hard on her. She wrote a very nice follow up and all was cool.

2:38 PM  
Blogger blog author said...

i didnt think your comment on MM was inappropriate either. no emergency foot extraction required :)

3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So how did your foot taste?

6:23 PM  
Blogger Patti said...

oh how i can relate...

7:48 AM  
Blogger Drewpy Drew said...

Melek - Thanks, I got more attention for my comment than I get on my own blog. You gotta love Manic. Thanks for stopping by.

Trish - A little like haggis, but not as spicy.

Patti - I think we've all been there at some point.

10:11 AM  
Blogger Steve H said...

pssst - we all wish that...

6:27 PM  

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