Friday, September 07, 2007

How stupid can I be?

Apparently, pretty stupid.

So anyway, the other day I was out in my back yard attacking the blackberry's that are intent on taking over the world. I used to sell safety equipment, so I had my glasses and heavy gloves on to protect myself from any mishaps that might occur with my electric hedge trimmer. With my ipod cranked up, I was grooving along, hacking the sticker bushes to bits.

Now remember, I sold safety equipment for a whole year.

With one mighty swing, I slice through several branches and the extension cord. Thank God for ground fault interrupters.

Fortunately, the only injury I sustained was to my pride and all is well at Casa de Drew.

Thought for the day -

Always keep track of where your cord is dangling. (Stop that snickering!)


Blogger B. said...

Yikes! You need to be careful with your big role coming up.

2:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back. I stopped checking in on you since you obviously were too busy to update people.

Good to hear about the Play! I'll mark Jan 16 on my calendar and try to make it out there for that. You'll have to let me know what theatre.

Good thing you had those safety glasses on. (I don't miss that place at all, but I do need more Kresto.)


5:50 PM  
Blogger Drewpy Drew said...

Uh, db, the play is called 'The Night of January 16th'. I would never be in a play so close to your birthday. The play is in October (close to my birthday). I'll give you a call about it.

10:06 PM  
Blogger MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Here's the question that begs to be asked:


1:27 AM  
Blogger Drewpy Drew said...

Manic - Music. Duh.

8:32 AM  

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